Freelancer & Consultsancy



Coordinate Google and FB Leads structure to acquire new clients. Answer FAQs rapidly by means of custom auto-answers and help clients with their questions and fasttrack the arrangements



Share administration and item suggestions in view of task prerequisites. Send installment joins for gathering installment on WhatsApp and fast settlements



Support clients at scale 24*7 on WhatsApp. Assemble appraisals/input from clients utilizing WhatsApp mechanized streamsp>



Send pamphlets and instructive material to connect with clients and possibilities. Send customary work updates to keep clients notify about the advancement

Transform possibilities into clients through ideal discussions on WhatsApp

  • Confirm and create leads on WhatsApp with hello and initial messages
  • Circle back to checked assistance solicitations to get project subtleties
  • Mechanize FAQs to determine inquiries quicker
  • Use WhatsApp broadcasts to advance new administrations and offering

Use WhatsApp to stay up with the latest on projects and your advancement

  • Send project refreshes for simple following of progress
  • Share examples of overcoming adversity from different activities to move cooperate
  • Team up on project pledges, archives and more over an encoded channel
  • Demand references in lieu of advantages and falters on project solicitations

Charm your clients by guaranteeing a positive client experience

  • Use names to keep discussions very much classified
  • Set up away messages and accessibility for straightforwardness
  • Demand client criticism and surveys on continuous/finished projects